Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Black & White Halloween Craft Pumpkin Tutorial

When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers... tis time to make this awesome black & white craft pumpkin, yo.

Okay, that's not quite how it goes. But it doesn't matter. We're going to take the moon's advice and make this pretty pumpkin... yo. ;)

Make This Black & White Halloween Craft Pumpkin

You Will Need...
First, we need to gather supplies. Even Cinderella had to start with a pumpkin. If it was good enough for her, it's good enough for us! I got mine at Hobby Lobby. You can also find similar pumpkins here. You could potentially use a thrift store plastic or foam pumpkin, too... as long as you can stick images to the surface. Just keep in mind if it is a bright orange, you might want to paint it first.

You will also need:
- Romance Writer Scrap Pack from My Porch Prints (for the papers)
- Black & White Halloween Scrap Pack from My Porch Prints (for the images)
- Mod Podge (I used glossy)
- Foam Brushes
- Black Lace (optional)
- Fabric Flowers (optional)

Make This Black & White Halloween Craft Pumpkin

To begin, cut or tear your papers into small pieces, about 1-2 inches in size. I tore some of mine. Others I cut. I didn't want them identical, but rather of various sizes and shapes. Pour your Mod Podge into a paper bowl and use your foam sponge brush to apply the Mod Podge to a small area of your pumpkin. Then place one piece of paper over it. Using the brush, apply another layer of Mod Podge on TOP of the piece of paper.
Tip: If parts of the paper won't lay flat, I used a craft stick to smooth it down.

Make This Black & White Halloween Craft Pumpkin

Make This Black & White Halloween Craft Pumpkin

Layer Papers
Repeat the process, layering the papers over each other. You can use a few different papers, or just one, whatever you like. I layered a few different kinds of paper.
Tip: I left the bottom uncovered because no one would see it.

Add Halloween Images
To add the black & white Halloween images, carefully tear around the images you want and use the Mod Podge in the same way you applied your paper.

Make This Black & White Halloween Craft Pumpkin

Finishing Touches
When finished, allow to dry for a few hours. Then use the black lace to tie a tag to the top of the pumpkin. Embellish with black & white fabric flowers. All done!

Make This Black & White Halloween Craft Pumpkin

Make This Black & White Halloween Craft Pumpkin

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