Hey all! The cold. The snow. And it's only November! Still, who can resist decorating for Christmas when it's so Christmasy outside?! I think this is the earliest our family has ever had our tree up!
We splurged on a real tree this year. I thought it was a GREAT idea until I remembered it wasn't even Thanksgiving yet. And somehow we'll have to keep this thing alive for another month and half. No idea how we'll keep it watered while we're out of town for Thanksgiving. Oh, the joys of wishful thinking.
When I decorate for Christmas, I like to do it ALL in a day. I
make politely implore Hubby to drag up four or five boxes of "Christmas Stuff" from the deep, dark, spidery recesses of the Underhouse. Then I sift through it all, picking out items that will go with my theme (and a few favorites that always go up, theme or not). Once everything is up (5-6 hours later). I pack up the rest and send it back to the basement. At least, that's how it's supposed to work. The boxes are still upstairs for some reason.
This year's theme was "Woodland" but my daughter said it reminded her of the North Pole. So, now it's "North Pole Woods". Browse through these pics of my house for some Christmas inspiration! Enjoy!
A basket full of lights, balls, pinecones and bows is EASY and pretty! |
Hang ornaments from a chandelier with some ribbon. The matching color unifies these so they're not too gaudy. |
I cup up some old faux pine garland and made it into individual wreaths for all my windows! |
Mini tree=thrift store. And "JOY" letters were purchased at Walmart and painted by ME! :) |
Fill a wire basket with lights, faux pine garland, and mini-books and presents wrapped in vintage sheet music! So cute! |
I made these graphic stockings myself. *Except the far left stocking, my youngest daughter made hers herself! You can see more about these here. |
This little bird has made his way into our Christmas tree since my teenagers were babies! |
My old "junk" ladder is all done up for Christmas! |
An old silver tea set, mercury glass ornaments, pine boughs from our tree, cones, and a splash of red berries make a pretty centerpiece... all fit nicely into a shabby wood tray. |
Everything in this picture was a secondhand purchase: tree, lantern, suitcase, bunny... even the cabinet and old window in the background. I LOVE thrift stores! |
This bunny piggy bank is PERFECT for our North Pole Woodland theme! |