Thursday, January 18, 2018

How to Create A Farmhouse Gallery Wall of Your Very Own

farmhouse gallery wall signs

Farmhouse Gallery Wall
Have you ever looked at Pinterest and seen those tidy walls of collected items that just look so perfect they're almost too good to be true? Well, they're totally doable! You  just need the right spot. For years, I've wanted a gallery wall. But we lived in an old house that was all windows and doors. There was literally not one wall that was just a plain, flat space. Then, about a year ago, we moved into our lake house.... and it was the same problem. Only it wasn't just windows and doors--but built-in bookshelves--taking up precious wall space. Not that I'm complaining about awesome built-ins, but sometimes a girl just wants a blank canvas.

farmhouse gallery wall and daybed

I managed to find one wall in the living room between the bookshelves and a door. It was big and blank and just perfect for a gallery wall! So, I got to work!

When deciding what pieces to include, I knew I wanted to keep it simple and clean. With a little trial and error, I think I managed it! And you can, too!

Here are some things to keep in mind when creating a gallery wall:

1. Space. You need to understand the dimensions of the space you're working with. Try laying out your chosen pieces on the floor next to the wall. It will help you understand how the pieces fit together. Try to keep the top and bottom even to create a "rectangle" shape (see picture). I only included pieces that fit well, using the largest piece (the chalkboard) to define the edge of my rectangle shape.

gallery wall in rectangle shape with chalkboard, signs, monogram, clock, lantern

2. Color. Modern farmhouse calls for a neutral color scheme. If that's the look you're going for, then I recommend pieces that are black, white, and gray with perhaps one other color. I chose brown for mine. It made sense because I had wood pieces in my gallery. Too many colors can make a space look cluttered and messy.

3. Materials. Choose materials in keeping with your theme. Most of the items in this gallery are wood and metal, which add to the farmhouse style. The lantern is BOTH metal and wood and ties in nicely with the other pieces.

gallery wall with lantern and street sign in black, white, gray

4. Function. While a gallery wall's primary function is aesthetic, it can also serve other purposes. Does your room need a clock? A gallery wall is a good place for one! Also, consider a chalkboard. Gallery walls can get stale if they aren't somewhat changeable. I enjoy decorating my chalkboard with seasonal messages. It also gives me a place to display collected, handmade and sentimental pieces. The "Love Grows" wood sign is made of wood from my dad's barn and has our family tree on the back.

You can see more photos of this "Love Grows" sign HERE.

gallery wall with love grows wood sign, monogram letter, street sign and lantern

gallery wall with farmhouse clock, wood sign, pulley

Farmhouse gallery wall with metal mail box, post box, vintage pulley

5. Balance. Make sure you get a good mix of large and small pieces. Don't put all your heavy, square pieces on one side, spread them out. Likewise, don't put all items of one color on one side. I tried to create balance by putting my heaviest pieces (the chalkboard and Love Grows sign) on opposite sides. Also the "S" and "The Sanders Family" sign both have large letter S's, so I separated them, too. I filled in the gaps with smaller pieces.

Read about how to make your own Family Name Sign HERE.

Farmhouse gallery wall with chalkboard, daybed, pillows, wood sign, clock

I'm so excited to finally have a gallery wall! Do YOU have a gallery wall in your house? What pieces did you include?

Share in the comments and follow me on Facebook and Pinterest.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Love Birds Valentine Mantel

Love Birds Valentine Mantel
I used to get really excited for Valentine's Day, not so much for the romance aspect of it, but because of Valentine boxes at school. When I was a kid, I went all out with my box designs. And later, when I had my own kids, we would make the coolest boxes. One year we made a grandfather clock out of cardboard that had a working clock mechanism inside! It was as tall as my daughter. Another year we made a box out of real chocolate!

These days, my kiddos are grown up. I miss the tradition of Valentine boxes, getting to be creative and make something beautiful. So, I decided to pour that energy into decorating instead. This mantel is a fun mix of vintage and handmade with a "love birds" theme.

 The bird and cage canvas art is something I made a few years ago using plaster.

These cute little topiaries were thrift store finds.

I found these corbels at an antique show and got them for a steal!

You can download this printable banner PDF FREE! Just click the link at the bottom of the post.

Download the Valentine banner by clicking HERE!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

DIY Winter Decorating Ideas

DIY Winter Decorating Ideas
It's that awkward time of year. The Christmas tree is gone, but spring is still miles away. The days are gray. The house feels stark and bare. But before you start dreaming about green grass and sunshine, why not embrace the season of mittens, snowmen and hot cocoa? Celebrate post-Christmas winter with some DIY décor!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Farmhouse Finds From Amazon

Farmhouse products you can find on Amazon!
Farmhouse Finds From Amazon
If you can't tell, I'm pretty much in love with farmhouse style. We're running away together. There are so many choices now for that vintage farm look. And you don't have to go to a specialty store or website to get it. You can find amazing farmhouse décor on Amazon. Take a look at these affordable farmhouse finds!

Galvanized Metal Desk Organizer

Candle Lantern

White Wall Sconce

Metal Chairs

Kitchen Utensil Holder

Architectural Corbel

Barn Door Console
